
Where To Send Mascara Brushes To Help Clean Animals

Hundreds of people across the globe have been donating their mascara wands to help save wildlife. But how can they aid?

The Appalachian Wildlife Refuge in Due north Carolina takes intendance of injured and orphaned animals and launched Wands For Wildlife when they discovered that the beauty tools – pieces of plastic which would otherwise get to waste – are great for cleaning and grooming small animals.

The tiny brushes of a mascara wand can assist to complimentary animals from flees, nits and other bugs clinging onto fur. Animals such as ducklings tin often be harder to clean as their fur is more sensitive, but the refuge have found that the wands work brilliantly — and the animals beloved it, too.

Why people are saving their mascara to help the wildlife

Facebook / Appalachian Wildlife Refuge

The wands are also used by wildlife rehabilitators for:

  • Removing wing eggs and larva from feathers and fur of wildlife
  • Preparation an area on an animal to remove dust, clay, sand and sawdust
  • Assisting the wildlife rehabilator in examining for injuries
  • Cleaning the syringes used for feeding animals

    Back in 2017, Savannah Trantham, a member of staff at the Appalachian Wildlife Refuge, took to Facebook to share the message about how recycled mascara wands can aid. Since then, the refuge centre has been flooded with thousands of donations.

    "The Wands for Wildlife program has taken off beyond our wildest dreams! Because of the incredible response, nosotros are now packaging the wands and sharing with other wild animals rehabilitators and facilities - helping even more animals," Kimberly Brewster, co-founder at Appalachian Wildlife Refuge, told Country Living United kingdom.

    "The response to a uncomplicated request for mascara wands has been astounding. I honestly have problem wearing mascara now – the outpouring of pity brings tears to my eyes well-nigh daily as I read messages, notes and comments from people all over the world who care nearly animals, the environment and but want to aid," continues Kimberly.

    This content is imported from YouTube. You may exist able to notice the same content in another format, or you may be able to observe more information, at their web site.

    What tin you lot exercise to assist?

    The Refuge recommends hunting through your makeup drawer to find whatsoever empty or un-used tubes of mascara. In one case empty, sterilise and clean the wand with warm soapy water before popping it into clear sealable bag and posting it to the refuge centre. Or run across if your local wildlife centre uses them also.

    This is a bang-up way to recycle quondam wands that are usually binned after use. The centre urges people not to buy new ones to donate, only to send ones yous take already used to aid the environment.

    If y'all don't use mascara or accept whatever wands to donate, you can also helping by gifting the below:

    • Secondhand pet gear, like beds, leads, and bowls
    • Paper towels
    • Babe wipes
    • Cotton swabs
    • High protein beans
    • Dishwashing liquid
    • Giftcards to local grocery stores

      Clean brushes and other items can be sent to:
      Appalachian Wild
      P.O. Box 1211
      Skyland, NC 28776

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